Above is one of the rhodanthemums, outside the Copper Pagoda.
Finally the persistent rainfall stopped towards the end of April. It has in fact been raining almost every day in the garden from July last year to the end of the third week this month. Probably some sort of record. Anyway, the plants, apart from the succulents, didn’t mind. 🙂
April was tulip month in the garden, whilst Clematis marmoria, an inch high plant, excelled in the Alpine House.
Above is a Ramonda from the Pyrenees in a cleft in one of the troughs, while another trough contains this Sanguinaria canadensis.
Newly emerging fronds of Dryopteris affinis are always a delight to see in the Spring with Bergenia cordifolia joining the party too. And, below, Viburnum plicatum, in the West Garden, spreading its wings.
And last but not least, a Nectaroscordem tripedale flower from Armenia starting to open.