Current & immediate weather.
Sea Area forecasts, (Met Eireann).
Isobar, Rainfall, Cloud & Temperature charts, (Met Eireann).
Coastal reports & Sea Crossings forecasts. (Met Eireann).
Current rainfall pattern on radar.
Fast updating rainfall radar image.
3 hour forecasts (1 hPa isobars, rainfall & isotachs.) (Met Eireann).
Shipping Forecast (UK Met Office, Exeter).
Offshore buoys data. M1, M2, M3, M4, M5 & Marathon Gas Field. (Marine Institute).
Current weather & wave heights from shipping.
Current conditions in Kilrush.
Current visible satellite image.
German Aerospace Centre most recent satellite image.
SkyLink Weather Satellite image.
Meteosat 7. for current pressure, visibility and wind speed.
Dun Laoghaire Harbour current weather conditions.
Current fronts, cloud cover and pressure. (Windfinder.Kiel.)
“2 Day Plus” weather forecasts.
OGIMET charts.(Guillermo Ballester Valor).(Recommended.)
Magic Seaweed MSLP & Precipitation charts.
16 day forward, NCEP based, MSLP charts.
Passage Weather 7 day surface pressure and wave height charts.
7 day synoptic charts. James McGregor.(Recommended.)
North Atlantic weather systems. James McGregor.
Météociel’s synoptic, precipitation etc., charts.
12 day Wind/Weather forecast from French Met Service.
Stormsurf’s surface winds animation from zero hours to 180 hours.
Swiss Meteosail featuring DWD synoptic charts and Windfinder forecasts.
Bracknell’s Synoptics (via Westwind, Markus Pfister).
European Centre for Medium Range Forecasts. (Reading, UK.)
NCEP’s Medium Range Forecasts.
9 GFS charts on one page. (Wetterzentrale.)
Wind flow films from Meteoblue.
Czech Wind Guru (Vaclav Hornik).
WeatherOnline Wave Height forecast charts.
Meteosim (Catalunya.) Wave Watch 3 charts.
Wind forecast from Kiel, Germany.
Storm Forecasts. (Experimental site.)
European Weather Awareness Site.
Weather Links sites.
Ocean Prediction Centre of NOAA site of weather links.
Starfish Surf Company weather links.
Surf Forecasts site page of weather links.
“Falling Rain’s” worldwide weather.
Tafs & Metars.
ICAO codes; Cork, EICK; Shannon, EINN; Dublin, EIDW; Belfast Aldergrove, EGAA;
Decode list for METARS & TAFS.
Geoff Butler’s Pilot Weather Course.
Tide Prediction, (UK Hydrographic Office).
2014 tide tables for Limerick, Tarbert & Foynes. (in PDF format)
2014 tide tables for Londonderry.
Marinas & Moorings.
Aerial views of Irish marinas.
Official notices.
Commissioners of Irish Lights, Notices to Mariners re Lights and Buoys.
Admiralty Notices to Mariners.
Marine Notice No 9 of 2004 re Sea Area Forecasts.
Marine Notices from Dept. of Transport.
Sailing Directions amendments.
Inland Waterways Marine Notices.
Official sites.
Department of Marine, division of Dept. of Transport.
Inland Waterways Association of Ireland.
The Cruising Association of Ireland.
List of national Met services worldwide. (courtesy of DNMI.)
Marine Casualty Investigation Board.
Royal Institute of Navigation.
Informatory sites.
Photographic album of all Irish lighthouses.
Irish navigation marks photo album.
“Inland Waterways Dictionary.”
Dept. of Marine list of links.
A guide to Irish islands. (Irish Sea Kayaking Assoc.)
Col Regs. (Nautical Know How Inc.)
Technical Info. (Reading College.)
World-wide magnetic variations.
List of Irish representative associations.
Training sites.
Peter Blundell’s Lights, Sound and Fog signals.
Boat logs.
Willi & Tina conquer Lough Derg.
Tina & Willi Klug’s month-long trip on the inland waterways, April 2008.
Tina & Willi Klug’s inland waterways trip, April 2006.
Tina & Willi’s Inland Waterways trip, September 2006.
Nick & Kathy Bowles’ circumnavigation of Ireland.
Grahame Stronge’s Strangford to The Channel Islands cruise.
Circumnavigating the North Pole westabout.
Well illustrated animated knots.
International Code of Signals.
Net Weather Forum weather guides. (Very useful.)
Updated news feed.