Pictured above are the three wheelbarrows used in the garden. The plastic one is a teenager, thirteen years old. The steel one is middle-aged, forty two years old. The wooden one is so old, we don’t know its age. It was bought second-hand almost forty years ago. All are in good health, trundling away around the garden. 🙂 Below is our operating hub (garden shed) and below that again is our Weed Wheely (patent applied for) 🙂 It’s been modified since to include a Tool Bar.
This Dudleya above appears to be enjoying its foreign surroundings. We got it last Autumn, thumbnail size. Hopefully we can continue to nurture it. Below, you can see that Phormiums seem to enjoy living in pots. It keeps them a handy size as well. They grow enormous in the open garden.
Winter-flowering heather surrounding one of the sculptures. The heather is a great habitat for the Coolwater frogs, who must contribute to the dearth of slugs here. They don’t seem to eat snails, though. 🙁 Primrose Bee saxifrage in one of the wall pots below.