Plans are afoot to build viewing platforms in the sky. Well, not quite up in the sky but you know what I mean.
I haven’t a square inch of spare space in the garden to build two daises on the ground to view Rockstown Castle and Skule Hill, so they’ll have to be elevated to first floor level; one over a garage and the other on top of a wall. A corollary to this was that I was offered a greenhouse for free this week but had no room to put it anywhere.
The picture above is an initial idea for the one over the garage but that design could well change before it’s actually built. I also have six Victorian cast irons columns, which I picked up recently, and they may well be incorporated into both platforms yet.
These are only musings because it’s all down to costs permitting of course. Too expensive and the ideas go down the Suwannee River. But, watch this space. 🙂