The weather in May has been absolutely glorious, day after day of unending sunshine but, with virtually no rain, the plants in the garden have started suffering. No drought problem for the water lilies, though. From a single tuber ten years ago, this pink water lily now boasts 220 flowers. It possibly has Genghis Khan DNA. 🙂 Days on the patio have been also brightened by this self-seeding Erinus alpinus, which sees every joint as an opportunity.
Last year we had planted into the end of a 600 gallon oil tank. This, below, is the result and shortly we expect the tank will disappear completely underneath the foliage.
Below shows part of the Japanese Maple bed behind the two poles holding up the canopies in the West garden and one of the Trachycarpus fortunei in the Water Garden flowering.
Hoping for some rain as early as possible next month as there are over two hundred containers here to be watered daily plus the gardens.