You will find a lot of items in Coolwater Garden that have been re-purposed. The item above is an example. It’s a very old iron sleeve for potable mains water. We’ve five of them and they’re positioned underneath some Alpine plant troughs. Their attractive colour is on a par with Cor-ten.
Nearby, we have two coal scuttles, 🙂 which will be shortly planted up with something like Arenaria montana. Also acquired recently are the corners of wind-destroyed gazebos. Disassembled, they make ideal frames for climbers. More gazebo columns have just been utilized as a gate for the Skule View Mirador.
The most artistic re-purposing must be Penny, our statue in the middle of the Water Garden, composed of nuts, bolts, pliers and spanners.
The more one looks around the garden, the more re-purposing is spotted. Globular aquariums painted black and containing ferns now. Addis flip-top bins, minus the flip-tops, used as tall pots. Calf watering bowls used as Wall Pots. The list goes on and on and all seeming to tie in into their little niches in the garden.