Pic above is of a Brugmansia, which resides in the copper pagoda. Below is Mina lobata, an exuberant climber, which unfortunately won’t survive the winter in our garden.
And this is Primula viallis, which can’t stand dryness.
A Stokesia. This one is Mega Mels, with a couple of Small Tortoiseshells slurping some nectar.
This little Agapanthus, Charlotte, is a good doer, always flowering in the second half of the year.
A shot of some Aloes, which always put on a show at various times throughout the year.
Plants jostling for position on top of a limestone mini dolmen. Hard to imagine that this rock originated 10° south of the equator, 350 million years or so ago and now sees the light of day in Coolwater Garden.
And last but not least, an early morning shot of part of our water garden. Native Purple Loosestrifes are magnificent plants.