Well, 2018 has drawn to a close, a year with no Spring and yet one of the hottest, driest summers ever. It was a good year, though, for Agaves and Yuccas, all of which grew enormously this year with the Yucca gloriosas putting up fabulous shows of flowers. Yucca linearis’ flowering show wasn’t too shabby, either.
We have an Omeo gum planted and the intention is to feature its juvenile leaves by keeping it pollarded to under 12 feet thus preventing the less attractive adult foliage from forming. Our uncommon Eucalyptus sturgissiana, planted at the same time, is also doing well, thank goodness.
Below is our yellow sandstone standing rock, which we got from Knockfierna. Knockfierna is named after the fairy king, Donn Firinne, and commands an all-encompassing view of Co. Limerck from the top of its height.
This coming Spring we are going to make “Super Soil” (or, we hope………… we’re going to make super soil. 🙂 ) from compost, organic farm manure, volcanic dust and Biochar. Biochar and Volcanic rock dust pictured below. Time will tell as to how good it will be.