Our Titanopsis calcarea, the concrete leaf plant from South Africa, flowered in August with its beautiful flowers. We keep this plant in the Alpine House in order to avoid it getting too wet outside in the garden.
Gaultheria “Pearls”, a dwarf gaultheria, growing in a trough with acidic soil in the rear garden. It won’t tolerate lime.
A Ladybird Poppy, Papaver commutatum from the Caucasus, which flowers for a fairly long time. It’s a prolific bloomer.
Various sedums colonizing the top of this limestone boulder in the West Garden; they exist with only a tiny film of soil. These two boulders came from the same strata as rock in the Burren.
A view of the Water Garden, taking in the armillary, “Penny” the engine parts statue and the Floating Pagoda. The flowers in the foreground are Alstromeria “Indian Summer & Ligularia.