Just a note for garden visitors, Coolwater Garden has no availability now from the 10th to the 13th, on the 17th and on the 20th of May. It’s always best to book in plenty of time.
Below is one of the tulip pots in April. They increase every year in their pot.
Japanese Acers coming into leaf in April. The two on the left were badly damaged by wind in the Autumn and had to be shaped. It’ll take a couple of years for them to get back to normal. 🙁
Fritillaria acmopeltata: not extremely colourful but I like it. This was the first one out in April in the garden but was then followed by loads of others.
This is one of our Hanami players. The flowering cherries in the West Garden are starting to recover back to their former glory after being hit for the last couple of years by some unknown disease. They’re nothing if not resilient.
And as you know, Coolwater likes “small”. This is one of the Cassiopes with its tiny white flower bells.